Local Management Plan for African Lovegrass
Consultation has concluded

Council is seeking the community's feedback on managing African Lovegrass. The Local Management Plan for African Lovegrass is out on public exhibition and the community is encouraged to have their say.
The Local Management Plan for African Lovegrass specifies the control measures that a landholder must implement to ensure that their General Biosecurity Duty is discharged in relation to African Lovegrass.
This plan complements the Snowy Monaro Region Local Weed Management Plan. The latter identifies the priority weeds with which Council maintains an active management and compliance program. it also specifies the extent to which land managers within the Snowy Monaro local government area must manage these priority weeds.
Feedback on the Local Management Plan for African Lovegrass will be accepted until Friday 21 June 2019.
Please take the time to read the Local Management Plan for African Lovegrass (located to the right of screen in the document library).
Background information
On 1 July 2017, the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 (the Act) became the primary legislation dealing with weed management in NSW. The Act supersedes the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 and operates on a risk management framework, providing flexibility in the development and implementation of weed management programs at a local level based on the level of risk that a weed poses to the local economy, environment and/or community.
Here in the Snowy Monaro - weed invasion, and in particular invasion by perennial grass weeds like Serrated Tussock, African Lovegrass and Chilean Needle Grass, have the potential to reduce, and in some cases, eliminate native and introduced pastures.
Submission can be made:
Online: Please see feedback option below.
By email: council@snowymonaro.nsw.gov.au with the subject line Local Management Plan for African Lovegrass.
By post: PO Box 714 Cooma NSW 2630. Please specify your submission is in relation to the Local Management Plan for African Lovegrass.