Who can participate in the review of the Snowy Monaro Community Strategic Plan - Towards 2042?

    All residents, ratepayers and visitors to the Snowy Monaro Regional Council local government area are encouraged to have their say on our future through the Towards 2042 consultation process. This can be completed via our online feedback form, in person at our offices, by letter/email addressed to the CEO, or by attending a community pop-up stall at one of our local country shows throughout March.

    Will my feedback be made public?

    All responses will be redacted and your privacy will be protected in line with NSW legislation.

    How can I share the Community Strategic Plan Snowy Monaro Your Say website page?

    You can share the URL or QR Code link to this website page via social media, such as Facebook or other platforms. 

    We encourage you to share this information with your friends, family or interested groups within the Snowy Monaro region. We’re keen to hear from as many people as possible.

    How can you provide feedback?

    There are plenty of ways that you can get involved:

    • Complete our online feedback form
    • Attend a community information stall at one of our local country shows being held throughout March.

    Towards 2042 allows us to consider what we love about where we live, what we’d like our future to look like, and how we will get there.

    What if I know someone that wants to contribute, but they don't have access to a computer?

    Computer and internet access are available at any of Council’s libraries. A paper version is also available at all Council offices, libraries and our information stalls.

    When will the consultation finish?

    The consultation period for the review of our Community Strategic Plan Towards 2042 will conclude at 11.59pm Monday 24 March 2025.

    Is there a way I can provide further detailed feedback?

    Yes, please send an email to council at corporateplanning@snowymonaro.nsw.gov.au with the subject line: Your Say Towards 2042

    What is a Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and why is it important?

    All Councils in NSW are required to adhere to the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework. In essence, the IP&R Framework begins with the community’s aspirations for the future, not Council’s. It includes a suite of integrated plans that set out a vision, goals and strategic actions to achieve them.

    The Snowy Monaro Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is based on the aspirations and priorities of our community. Informed by community input, it sets out a long-term vision for the region to 2042 and identifies the key priorities and strategies for achieving this. The CSP also must consider the NSW Government’s state plans, regional plans and other strategies and plans that are in place.

    Why does the Council create the plan?

    Council leads the development of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) on behalf of our community. We take your feedback, collate it and present it to the newly elected Council to help them determine their priorities for their term in office. Council has the custodial role of initiating, preparing and maintaining the CSP on behalf of the Snowy Monaro region, however, we are not wholly responsible for its implementation. Other partners, such as state agencies and community groups will also be involved in delivering the long-term objectives of the plan