Monaro Rail Trail Feasibility Study
Consultation has concluded

Public Exhibition Period: Wednesday 27 November 2019 to Friday 28 February 2020 inclusive
Snowy Monaro Regional Council is calling on the community to provide feedback on the Monaro Rail Trail Draft Feasibility Report that is currently on public exhibition. You can download this report from the Document Library on this page.
Feedback has been extended until 5pm Friday 28 February 2020.
Submissions can be made by completing the below survey, or in writing to the General Manager
In-person: to any Council office
Email: link)
Post: Snowy Monaro Regional Council PO BOX 714 Cooma NSW 2630
Consultation Background Monaro Rail Trail Feasibility Study
Snowy Monaro Regional Council is investigating the feasibility of constructing a recreation trail on the disused railway between Queanbeyan and Bombala.
Following a series of community meetings held in July, Council extended the community consultation period to allow more of the community to have their say.
Council has engaged consultants to prepare the Monaro Rail Trail Feasibility Study. The study is an important step in helping determine whether a trail for cyclists and hikers along the currently disused railway corridor has merit.
At the same time the Monaro Rail Trail Feasibility Study is being prepared, the state government has engaged other consultants to help determine the practicality and viability of returning trains to the currently disused railway corridor, and to extend the rail line to Eden.
The rail corridor is owned by the state government, not Council.
Proposed recreation trail
The proposed ride would traverse through a combination of timbered and open country linking the Canberra Valley, Michelago, Bredbo, Cooma, Nimmitabel (across the Great Dividing Range) and Bombala
Features of the trail would include:
- Heritage listed bridges .
- 160 metre tunnel.
- Sidings, sheds and heritage listed stations.
- The pastoral story and heritage of the region is also visible through properties and remnants of the earlier role of the railway to transport wool and other produce.
- Unique rural landscapes.