Tyrolean Trails Concept Plan

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft Tyrolean/Mill Creek Trails Concept Plan during the public exhibition period, which closed at 5pm Sunday 21 November 2021. Our team is now reviewing this feedback which will help shape the final plan to be presented for adoption.
Council understands the significance and importance of the Jindabyne Shared Trail as part of the broader trail offering within the Snowy Monaro LGA. The proposed design seeks to make the most of the topographic features and existing infrastructure, creating an experience that is both engaging and sustainable.
The concept design reflects the importance we place on highly accessible, high-quality purpose-built trails of varying styles that connect people with important places, features, landscapes and vistas that enhance the user experience.
Common Ground Trails have been commissioned by Snowy Monaro Regional Council to deliver a draft concept for the Tyrolean section of the Jindabyne Shared Trail. The maps and report present a preliminary draft concept only, and these will be refined following community feedback and ground-truthing (which has been delayed because of COVID restrictions).
We encourage feedback from all trail users; hikers/walkers, families and recreational mountain bikers.
Council is working on improving the trail network within the recreation reserve near Tyrolean Village and East Jindabyne.
The reserve is an attractive location offering the perfect terrain for mountain biking, trail running and walking. The Jindabyne Trails Stewardship have done an amazing job maintaining and improving the trails over a number of years. We now have an opportunity to extend the trail network to East Jindabyne and take our existing trails to the next level.
Trail design is key to user experience and sustainability for the future generations of our local community. Council engaged Common Ground Trails to undertake concept planning for the Tyrolean/Mill Creek trail network. The Environmental Factor has also been engaged to undertake an assessment of the environmental and cultural heritage values present within the project area.
The concept plan will focus on;
- Trail user safety
- Enjoyment for a range of abilities
- Car parking
- Access
- Environmental and cultural heritage impacts
Project Funding
The Tyrolean Trail Concept Plan is being funded as part of the Lake Jindabyne Shared Trail Project. The outcome of the concept plan and environmental/cultural heritage assessment will enable Council to lodge a Development Application for Construction at the end of this year.