Cooma Centennial Park Playground
Consultation has concluded

Construction and site works at Centennial Park Playground are now complete.
The playground has been handed over to SMRC Facilities and was opened to the public on Friday 8 March 2019.
Centennial Park Playground is another project delivered through the Stronger Communities Fund Major Projects Program (SCFMPP).
Official Opening Day Celebrations
Completion Photos
Progress Photos
Cooma Centennial Park Playground - Consultation Summary
Council would like to thank everyone who participated in providing valuable feedback for the Cooma Centennial Park Playground concept designs that will be delivered as part of the Stronger Communities Fund – Major Projects Program (SCFMPP).
The consultation period ran between 30 July and 16 August 2018. Please download the summary report here.
Final Approved 3D Concept Designs
Project Background
As part of the Stronger Communities Fund Major Projects Program (SCFMPP) the upgrade of the Cooma Centennial Park Playground included only a minor equipment upgrade, not the whole playground.
Council pursued a ‘whole of playground’ design with our nominated designer, with the aim to complete the project in two stages. Stage 1 to be completely funded from SCFMPP and Stage 2 from sourcing future funding opportunities.
However, over the following 12 month period, the playground has deteriorated significantly, and the spare parts for some of the equipment are no longer available.
On 19 July 2018, during Ordinary Council, it was resolved (233/18) a number of capital works projects be cancelled for the 2018/19 period, and the funds re-allocated to Stage 2 of the Cooma Centennial Park upgrade, with some additional funding from SMRC ‘other internal reserves’.
Snowy Monaro Regional Council is excited to announce Cooma Centennial Park will be completely upgraded.
Playgrounds are an important social aspect of any community. The Cooma Centennial Park playground is the most used facility in the region by locals as well as visitors. The upgraded facility will provide play and integration opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.
The cost saving to undertake this project at one time is $24,000.
Original Playground Photos