Cooma Weir and Fishway Replacement
Consultation has concluded

Thank you to everyone who submitted their feedback. Our team is now reviewing all the comments.
Council has been drawing our raw water supply from the weir impoundment at the weir site adjacent to the Cooma Water Treatment Plant at 820 Mittagang Road, Cooma that was constructed from rock in the 1960s and has been in service ever since.
In approximately 1997, a rock fishway was also constructed onto the weir to try and bring the structure up to current standards and to allow for the freedom of movement for the native fish of the area.
Both the weir and the fishway have been severely damaged by major weather events on several occasions, to the point that it is no longer viable to effect repairs to the structure. If any future major flood event is to take place there is a possibility that Cooma could lose a significant amount of its water supply reserve.
We have produced a full design package for the full replacement of the weir and fishway that will allow the continued water supply security and increased water quality for Cooma while enhancing the migration of native fish species during low flow periods for the foreseeable future.
In addition to the weir and fishway construction, we will be undertaking a number of improvement works to this popular recreational space. The installation of a walkway along the fishway will provide access for research groups and visitors. While the park amenities will also receive an upgrade as the final stage of the project to ensure this year-round space remains welcoming for locals and visitors alike, all of which will be reopened to the public before next summer.
Construction is set to be carried out between May and October 2022, with the site to be closed to the public throughout this period, including the recreational park areas. These timeframes will allow the completion of the fishway will coincide with the spring breeding season.
We are seeking community feedback to influence the aesthetic of the replacement weir and fishway. We have constructed four concrete pillars with different colour and texture options examples that you can view in person on-site at the Cooma Weir or from the images below. These tones and textures have been selected as appropriate options as they will complement the natural rocks already established on site.
Please note that these pillars are not to scale and have only been erected to demonstrate concrete options.
From left to right:
Please submit your feedback via the below form by Sunday 17 April 2022.