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Consultation has concluded
Snowy Monaro Regional Council has committed to a program of Streetscape enhancements with the following aims, principles and outcomes
Illustrate and highlight history and uniqueness for township
Provide education to local residents and visitors on regional and local history
Reinforce identity and sense of place to each township with reference to a specific scheme
Create new destinations and attractions through sense of identity and theming
Provide comfortable, safe and inviting environments for local residents and visitors
Create environments that promote interaction and socialisation through community
Provide environments for rest and relaxation
Develop way-find devices to guide and assist visitors while highlighting unique features
Create streetscape that are individually unique including an over-arching link to the Snowy Monaro regional council as a whole
We are excited to deliver the following streetscapes as part of the Stronger Communities Fund – Major Projects Program (SCFMPP):
Phase One
Phase Two
We invite you to join us on this journey as we work with an external consultant to design and construct each streetscape with, and for the residents of the Snowy Monaro.
Once each streetscape commences community consultation, it will have its own, designated page activated. There will be linkages between other streetscapes within the region to ensure you, the community, remain engaged throughout the entire project life cycle.
Your feedback is valued and encouraged throughout this exciting program of works.
Snowy Monaro Regional Council has committed to a program of Streetscape enhancements with the following aims, principles and outcomes
Illustrate and highlight history and uniqueness for township
Provide education to local residents and visitors on regional and local history
Reinforce identity and sense of place to each township with reference to a specific scheme
Create new destinations and attractions through sense of identity and theming
Provide comfortable, safe and inviting environments for local residents and visitors
Create environments that promote interaction and socialisation through community
Provide environments for rest and relaxation
Develop way-find devices to guide and assist visitors while highlighting unique features
Create streetscape that are individually unique including an over-arching link to the Snowy Monaro regional council as a whole
We are excited to deliver the following streetscapes as part of the Stronger Communities Fund – Major Projects Program (SCFMPP):
Phase One
Phase Two
We invite you to join us on this journey as we work with an external consultant to design and construct each streetscape with, and for the residents of the Snowy Monaro.
Once each streetscape commences community consultation, it will have its own, designated page activated. There will be linkages between other streetscapes within the region to ensure you, the community, remain engaged throughout the entire project life cycle.
Your feedback is valued and encouraged throughout this exciting program of works.
Streetscape Design and Construction (SCFMPP) has finished this stage
This consultation is open for contributions - Monday 25 June 2018
Evaluation and Review
Streetscape Design and Construction (SCFMPP) has finished this stage
July 2018
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.
The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Streetscape Design Aproval
Streetscape Design and Construction (SCFMPP) has finished this stage
July 2018
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
Contractors Appointed
Streetscape Design and Construction (SCFMPP) is currently at this stage
May 2019
Site works
this is an upcoming stage for Streetscape Design and Construction (SCFMPP)
July 2019
Project complete
this is an upcoming stage for Streetscape Design and Construction (SCFMPP)
October 2019
Open day
this is an upcoming stage for Streetscape Design and Construction (SCFMPP)